Worried about big companies....

Message boards : Cafe Africa : Worried about big companies....

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Michael Grossman
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Joined: Jul 22 09
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This stuff malariacontrol.net is doing, it is all open, for the good of the human race, unencumbered by patents or other legal shenanigans?

I would hate to think that ANY computer time I donate could benefit the big for-profit, world-looting drug companies.

I participate in other volunteer efforts and it was pointed out to me that, at least here in Florida, US, that unpaid volunteer "citizen scientists" may be displacing--or used to "leverage," whatever that means--funds from grant-funded scientific projects.

For example, if it becomes well known that volunteers can be gotten to do limnology or phenology environmental monitoring at their own expense, might this make it less likely for real scientists to get grant money for such projects? Is the citizen scientist volunteer, effectively, an unknowing scab?

Sorry if anyone is offended by my asking, but having seen corruption grow more and more pervasive in my own country all my life I worry that the same is going on everywhere.

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This stuff malariacontrol.net is doing, it is all open, for the good of the human race, unencumbered by patents or other legal shenanigans?

I would hate to think that ANY computer time I donate could benefit the big for-profit, world-looting drug companies.

I participate in other volunteer efforts and it was pointed out to me that, at least here in Florida, US, that unpaid volunteer "citizen scientists" may be displacing--or used to "leverage," whatever that means--funds from grant-funded scientific projects.

For example, if it becomes well known that volunteers can be gotten to do limnology or phenology environmental monitoring at their own expense, might this make it less likely for real scientists to get grant money for such projects? Is the citizen scientist volunteer, effectively, an unknowing scab?

Sorry if anyone is offended by my asking, but having seen corruption grow more and more pervasive in my own country all my life I worry that the same is going on everywhere.

In November the Admin Maire wrote this:

In the end what we are doing is FOR FREE, NO money will ever be coming your way for helping! BUT you ARE helping find a cure for Malaria or at least fine tune of those that do have it, and that is important too. The last stat I remember was that a kid dies every 30 seconds from Malaria, we are HELPING to reduce that number!! Malaria has short deadlines because the lab that supports us uses the data very quickly after the results are confirmed, so a month or so after we crunch the kids ARE benefiting from our work. COULD they eventually sell their data, sure ANY company that is offered enough money will sell anything. But the premise here is to help find a cure for malaria, not eventually sell the data.

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