Account data for Purple Rabbit member since 8 Mar 2006
Country United States
Total credit 98,774
Recent average credit 146.30
Computers View

Projects in which Purple Rabbit is participating

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Total credit Average credit Since
Moo! Wrapper 19,430,929 147,900 14 May 2011
Distributed Rainbow Table Generator 2,886,432 93,946 13 Aug 2011
MilkyWay@home 30,232,385 53,297 9 Nov 2008
Collatz Conjecture 26,088,875 25,165 20 Sep 2009
PrimeGrid 51,174,392 23,086 27 Nov 2010
SIMAP 4,201,795 1,848 29 Jan 2006
Einstein@Home 1,394,731 1,132 15 Feb 2005
yoyo@home 64,683 946 15 Jul 2011
POEM@HOME 830,990 930 3 Mar 2008
SETI@home 1,857,478 800 31 Aug 1999
QMC@HOME 1,062,877 702 16 Feb 2007
World Community Grid 281,262 380 12 Oct 2008
Rosetta@home 925,624 363 24 Sep 2005
EDGeS@Home 7,240 209 6 Oct 2011 1,287,693 203 1 Sep 2004 98,713 140 8 Mar 2006
LHC@home 52,777 94 22 Oct 2004
Spinhenge@home 545,680 0 29 Oct 2006
Lattice Project 22,394 0 24 Mar 2005
Chess960@Home Alpha 6,130 0 21 Oct 2006
SZTAKI Desktop Grid 48,790 0 15 Jan 2008
Profile View
Team The Final Front Ear
Message boards 3 posts

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Generated 25 Nov 2011 1:22:18 UTC